
구글 드라이브 On-Server Virus Scan바이러스 오진율이 높습니다.
(5월에는 다운로드 잘 되던 것도 6월이 되니 바이러스로 오진하고 있습니다.)
바이러스에 감염된 것은 아니지만 불안하신 분들은 그냥 사용하지 마세요.
감염 파일이라면서 다운 안되는 자료댓글로 알려주시면 수정하겠습니다.

위와 같은 이유(바이러스 오진)로 압축 암호를 지정한 자료가 일부 있습니다.
(암호는 "1234"로 일괄 지정합니다.)

위와 같은 기능(Virus Scan)으로 25MB 이하 파일다운로드 시작이 조금 느립니다.
(25MB 초과 파일은 Virus Scan 하지 않습니다.)

게시글 본문에 있는 내용이거나, 단순 실행,
단순 설치, 막연한 내용 답변하지 않습니다.
답변을 받고 싶다면, 질문에도 노력을 기울여 주시기 바랍니다.
(응원글에는 답글을 달진 않지만... 항상 감사한 마음을 가지고 있습니다.)

개별 게시글과 관련 없는 내용의 댓글잡담 포스트에 작성하여 주시기 바랍니다.
(개별 게시글 관련 내용의 댓글개별 게시글에 작성하여 주시기 바랍니다.)

반말 커뮤니티퍼가기, 링크 걸기이 블로그를 언급하는 모든 행위금지합니다.
(미성년자가 많은 사이트로 퍼가지 마세요.)


Tool - ILLUSION Wizzard





Illusion Wizzard - news, latest version, etc

information on mod file structureFirst of all, the mod file structure is as close to the mod file structure known from SB3 as it was possible. Let's asume I just made a mod named mytest that is a clothing mod for all girls. The .7z filename would be something like [SM][all girls][mytest][darkhound][v0.1].7z
Inside this file there has to be the following file structure: directories in red, files in blue
[SM][all girls][mytest][darkhound][v0.1].txt -> file with description of the mod
[SM][all girls][mytest][darkhound][v0.1].jpg -> preview pic for the mod
[SM][all girls][mytest][darkhound][v0.1]1.jpg -> an additional preview pic for the mod. If you need even more pics, you can add jpgs with <modfilename>2.jpg, <modfilename>3.jpg and so on.
SM -> directory to include all the mods for the main game (this is the same name as the gameID from the game profile file, check next section for details)
SM\LST_INSERT -> all the files to mod lst files using afkhound lst insert format have to be placed in this directory
SM\TGA_INSERT -> all the tga files that should to use the tga insert logic have to be placed in this directory
SM\<anyfile>.pp -> this file will be directly copied into the game\data directory replacing any existing <anyfile>.pp
SM\sm05_00 -> any file in this directory will be inserted into the pp file sm05_00.pp. If the pp does not yet exist it will be created. Any exisiting file with the same name will be overwritten.
SM2\qa_00_00_00\A01_00_00.xx\<anytexture>.<bmp|tga> -> If the xx file A01_00_00 exists in the pp file qa_00_00_00, and the texture <anytexture>.<bmp|tga> exists inside the xx file, it will be replaced by the one from the mod.
AA\jcp00_00_00\A01_00_00_01.xx\FRAME\<matrix_change_file>.txt This is the new structure for the frame matrix value changes inside an xx inside a pp file. Undo file creation is supported. Syntax in "frame name" [tab] first frame matrix value (like in sb3u) [tab] second frame matrix value ... and so one. Order is from left to right and then down. If you do not want to change/specify a value you can skip it using several [tab] directly after one another. This means the original value will be kept.
AG3\M_TEX --> (so far this function is AG3 only) you need to create subdirs in this directories with the same name as in the game's save\m_tex\<subdirs>. Any file you put into this <subdir> will be copied to the game save\m_tex\<subdir>. Any existing file will be replaced and a copy will be created in the backup to undo the mod.
AG3\M_COS --> (so far this function is AG3 only) you need to put files or create subdirs in this directory
Any file you put into the M_COS directory will be copied to the game save\m_cos\ directory. Any file in the M_COS\<subdir> will be copied to the game save\m_cos\<subdir>. Missing directories will be created. Any existing file will be replaced and a copy will be created in the backup to undo the mod

출처 -



.NET Framework
 .NET Framework Cleanup Tool ( - 에러 발생 시 지울 때 유용한 유틸
 Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 재배포 가능 패키지
 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 서비스 팩 2
 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 서비스 팩 1
 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 서비스 팩 1(전체 패키지) - 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1 통합판
 Microsoft .NET Framework 4(독립 실행형 설치 관리자)

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package Visual C++ Redistributable Package

DirectX 9.0c 9.0c

SlimDX (OS가 x64여도 x86버전 설치)


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